wɔːrm US wɔːm UK

warm (EN)
bijvoeglijk naamwoord, werkwoord

bijvoeglijk naamwoord “warm”

warm, comp. warmer, sup. warmest
  1. warm
    The sun made the sand warm under our feet.
  2. hartelijk
    The teacher's warm welcome made the new student feel accepted.
  3. behaaglijk
    Soft lighting and comfortable chairs gave the café a warm feel.
  4. warme (kleuren)
    She painted the sunset with warm colors to make it more vibrant.
  5. warm (bijna goed)
    The children are playing hide and seek, and you're getting warm!
  6. vers
    The detectives followed the warm trail left by the suspect.

werkwoord “warm”

infinitief warm; hij warms; verleden tijd warmed; volt. deelw. warmed; ger. warming
  1. verwarmen
    She warmed the milk before giving it to the baby.
  2. opwarmen
    The house begins to warm when the heating is turned on.
  3. ontdooien
    After a while, he warmed to the idea of moving abroad.
  4. enthousiasmeren
    The teacher's enthusiasm warmed the students to the new subject.
  5. verwarmen (troost bieden)
    A kind smile can warm a person's heart.
  6. een pak slaag geven
    If you keep misbehaving, your father will warm your backside!
  7. prepopuleren
    The server cache was warmed to improve performance.