
material (EN)
lietvārds, īpašības vārds

lietvārds “material”

vienskaitlis material, daudzskaitlis materials vai neizsakāms
  1. materiāls
    The builders ordered enough material, like bricks and cement, to complete the new house.
  2. Audums (auduma vai tekstilmateriāla veids, ko izmanto apģērbu izgatavošanai)
    What material is this shirt made of?
  3. materiāls (sagatavots saturs)
    The comedian worked hard to create new material for his upcoming show.
  4. (kombinācijā) persona, kas ir piemērota noteiktai lomai vai darbībai
    With her leadership skills, she is definitely management material for the company.
  5. Materiāls (figūras un bandinieki šaha spēlē)
    In the chess match, he sacrificed some material to gain a better position on the board.
  6. Materiāls (paraugi vai eksemplāri, kas savākti analīzei vai pētīšanai)
    The researchers collected material from the site to analyze for signs of pollution.

īpašības vārds “material”

pamatforma material (more/most)
  1. materiālais
    She gave up her material comforts to join the mission.
  2. materiālais (fiziskā pasaule)
    The scientists are studying the material world.
  3. būtisks
    There was no material difference between the two proposals.