daiktavardis “material”
Vienaskaita material, daugiskaita materials arba neiskaitomas
- medžiaga
Užsiregistruokite, kad matytumėte pavyzdinių sakinių vertimus ir vienakalbius kiekvieno žodžio apibrėžimus.
The builders ordered enough material, like bricks and cement, to complete the new house.
- audinys (audinio ar medžiagos rūšis, naudojama drabužiams gaminti)
What material is this shirt made of?
- medžiaga (komikams)
The comedian worked hard to create new material for his upcoming show.
- (asmenyje) žmogus, tinkamas tam tikram vaidmeniui ar veiklai.
With her leadership skills, she is definitely management material for the company.
- Medžiaga (figūros ir pėstininkai šachmatų partijoje)
In the chess match, he sacrificed some material to gain a better position on the board.
- Medžiaga (pavyzdžiai ar egzemplioriai, surinkti analizei ar tyrimui)
The researchers collected material from the site to analyze for signs of pollution.
būdvardis “material”
pagr. forma material (more/most)
- materialus (turtas)
She gave up her material comforts to join the mission.
- materialus (fizinis)
The scientists are studying the material world.
- reikšmingas
There was no material difference between the two proposals.