big (EN)
būdvardis, prieveiksmis

būdvardis “big”

big, bigger, biggest
  1. didelis
    The big truck struggled to fit under the low bridge.
  2. svarbus
    Landing this job is a big opportunity for her career.
  3. užsidegęs (labai entuziastingai palaikantis)
    He's a big supporter of the local football team.
  4. vyresnis (vaikas)
    This is my big brother.
  5. antsvoris (turintis antsvorio)
    He's gotten bigger since I last saw him.
  6. apdovanotas (turintis didelius lytinius organus)
    She blushed when her friends joked about her new boyfriend being big in all the right places.
  7. raumeningas
    After months of training at the gym, Jake's arms had grown bigger, showing off his impressive biceps.
  8. brandus (elgesiu ar požiūriu)
    When you forgave your brother despite his mistake, it was really big of you.
  9. populiarus
    The superhero movie franchise is big in the US..
  10. galingas (veikiantis dideliu mastu ir galbūt turintis per didelę įtaką)
    Critics argue that big pharma has too much control over our lives.

prieveiksmis “big”

  1. pasipūtę
    She bragged big about her connections, yet she couldn't even get us into the club.
  2. labai
    She smiled big when she saw the surprise party her friends had organized for her.
  3. ambicingai
    To make it in Hollywood, you need to dream big and never give up.