shine (EN)
동사, 동사, 명사

동사 “shine”

shine; he shines; past shone, part. shone; ger. shining
  1. 빛나다
    The full moon shone brightly in the night sky.
  2. 두드러지다 (특히 우수함이나 뛰어난 성과로)
    In the school play, Sarah shone as the lead actress, earning applause from everyone.
  3. 비추다 (조명 기구 등으로)
    She shone her flashlight under the bed to find her lost kitten.

동사 “shine”

shine; he shines; past shined, part. shined; ger. shining
  1. 닦다 (물체를 부드럽고 밝게 만들기 위해)
    She spent the afternoon shining her grandmother's silverware until it gleamed.

명사 “shine”

sg. shine, pl. shines or uncountable
  1. The morning sun cast a gentle shine on the dew-covered flowers.
  2. 광택 (물체가 빛을 반사하여 밝고 윤이 나 보이는 성질)
    After polishing the old silverware, its shine was so intense it could almost be used as a mirror.