lose (EN)

етістік “lose”

lose; he loses; past lost, part. lost; ger. losing
  1. жеңілу
    She lost the chess game after a risky move.
  2. жоғалту (таба алмау)
    I lost my keys and can't get into my house.
  3. жоғалту (дене мүшесін)
    He lost his first tooth when he was six years old.
  4. жоғалту (жақын адамын өлім арқылы)
    He lost his grandfather to cancer last year.
  5. ақша жоғалту
    The company lost thousands of dollars when the marketing campaign flopped.
  6. жұмыстан шығарылу
    She lost her keys and couldn't get into her house.
  7. салмақ тастау
    She's been working hard to lose ten pounds before her wedding.
  8. шатастыру
    When you started explaining quantum physics, you completely lost me.
  9. ізінен адасу
    During the pursuit, the policeman lost the suspect in the crowded market.
  10. ізін салдыру
    After turning sharply into a narrow alley, the suspects lost the police car that was following them.
  11. көрсетпеу (мінез-құлық немесе эмоция)
    After the teacher's warning, he quickly lost his smirk and paid attention.
  12. құтылу
    Before we take the group photo, could you lose the sunglasses?
  13. кешіктіру (сағаттың нақты уақыттан кешіктіріп көрсетуі)
    Every month, the old clock in the hallway loses about ten minutes, so we have to reset it often.