kata benda “rate”
tunggal rate, jamak rates
- tingkat
Mlebu kanggo ndeleng terjemahan ukara conto lan definisi monolingual saben tembung.
The unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing over the past year.
- kacepetan
They walked at a slow rate to enjoy the scenery.
- rega
The taxi driver offered us a special rate for the trip to the airport.
- rasio
The exchange rate between the dollar and the euro has fluctuated recently.
cêkapan “rate”
infinitif rate; dhèwèké rates; lampau rated; part. lampau rated; ger. rating
- ngira-ngira (adhedhasar perbandingan)
The critics rated the restaurant highly for its exceptional service.
- nganggep
She rates him as one of the best players on the team.
- duwé pendapat positif marang soko sawijining bab
I don't rate their chances of winning the championship.
- pantes (nampa perlakuan tartamtu)
The situation doesn't rate the attention of the CEO.
- ngandharake kanthi resmi yen sawijining media cocog kanggo pamirsa tartamtu.