Nafnorð “rate”
eintala rate, fleirtala rates
- tíðni
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
The unemployment rate has been steadily decreasing over the past year.
- hraði
They walked at a slow rate to enjoy the scenery.
- gjald
The taxi driver offered us a special rate for the trip to the airport.
- hlutfall
The exchange rate between the dollar and the euro has fluctuated recently.
sögn “rate”
nafnháttur rate; hann rates; þátíð rated; lh. þt. rated; nhm. rating
- meta
The critics rated the restaurant highly for its exceptional service.
- telja
She rates him as one of the best players on the team.
- að hafa jákvæða skoðun á einhverju
I don't rate their chances of winning the championship.
- verðskulda
The situation doesn't rate the attention of the CEO.
- að lýsa því opinberlega yfir að miðill sé við hæfi fyrir tiltekinn áhorfendahóp