imenica “station”
jednina station, množina stations
- kolodvor
Prijavite se kako biste vidjeli prijevode primjernih rečenica i jednojezične definicije svake riječi.
She waited at the train station for hours, watching travelers hurry by.
- postaja
The express train doesn't stop at every station along the way.
- postaja (javna služba)
The new police station was built to serve the growing community.
- baza
The army has a station near my house.
- postaja (radio ili TV)
He listens to the local jazz station every evening.
- radno mjesto
The chef returned to his station in the kitchen to prepare the next dish.
- benzinska postaja
They pulled into a station to refuel before continuing their road trip.
- Stalež (formalno, nečiji društveni položaj ili rang u društvu)
Despite his high station, he was humble and approachable.
glagol “station”
infinitiv station; on stations; prošlo vrijeme stationed; prošli part. stationed; ger. stationing
- Stacionirati (dodijeliti nekoga na određeno mjesto ili položaj radi zadatka ili dužnosti)
The manager stationed an employee at the door to welcome guests.
- Rasporediti (u vojsci, dodijeliti vojno osoblje na mjesto gdje će služiti)
He was stationed at an air force base overseas for three years.