Substantiv “station”
Sg. station, Pl. stations
- Bahnhof
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She waited at the train station for hours, watching travelers hurry by.
- Haltestelle
The express train doesn't stop at every station along the way.
- Station (für öffentliche Dienste)
The new police station was built to serve the growing community.
- Stützpunkt
The army has a station near my house.
- Sender
He listens to the local jazz station every evening.
- Arbeitsplatz
The chef returned to his station in the kitchen to prepare the next dish.
- Tankstelle
They pulled into a station to refuel before continuing their road trip.
- Stand (formell, die soziale Stellung oder der Rang einer Person in der Gesellschaft)
Despite his high station, he was humble and approachable.
Verb “station”
Infinitiv station; er stations; Prät. stationed; Part. stationed; Ger. stationing
- stationieren (jemanden für eine Aufgabe oder Pflicht an einen bestimmten Ort oder in eine bestimmte Position zuweisen)
The manager stationed an employee at the door to welcome guests.
- stationieren (im Militär, Militärpersonal an einen Ort zuweisen, an dem sie dienen werden)
He was stationed at an air force base overseas for three years.