
4 (An) information – is there an article?

The word “information” is an uncountable noun (also called mass noun) in English, just like “smoke” or “rice”. This means that it is treated as a certain kind of “substance” or “matter”, not as an object.

As a result, it does not make sense to say “an information”. You should say, for example:

That's interesting information.
That's an interesting information.

If you want to stress that you are talking about a specific “unit” of information, you can use the word “piece” (just like you would use the word “cup” for rice):

This piece of information is very helpful.

Since it's uncountable, “information” does not have a plural form and is combined with “little” and “much” rather than “few” and “many”:

I have little information about the subject.
I have few informations about the subject.
How much information has been lost?
How many informations have been lost?

When you want to express that you have a small amount of information, the most natural way is to use “some information”. Saying “a little information” is possible but much less common:

I've found some information about him.
I've found a little information about him.

A few more examples:

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Jakub 147d
The English word “data” is also interesting, because it can be used both in the singular and the plural. The singular functions exactly like the word “information”, i.e. it is uncountable.