plunge (EN)
verb, noun

verb “plunge”

plunge; he plunges; past plunged, part. plunged; ger. plunging
  1. to suddenly move forward or downward
    The roller coaster plunged down the steep track, making everyone scream.
  2. to cause something to suddenly move forward or downward
    The heavy rain plunged the car into the flooded street.
  3. to quickly start doing something or get into a state
    She decided to plunge into her new job without any hesitation.
  4. to drop sharply and quickly in amount or value
    Temperatures plunged overnight, leaving the city covered in frost by morning.
  5. to go steeply downward
    The road plunged rapidly from the top of the hill.
  6. to jump or dive into water or another liquid
    She took a deep breath and plunged into the icy lake.
  7. to use a tool to clear a blockage by pushing and pulling it in a pipe or drain
    She had to plunge the sink to clear the clog.

noun “plunge”

sg. plunge, pl. plunges or uncountable
  1. a quick and sudden drop or movement away from something
    The bird took a sudden plunge from the tree branch to catch its prey.
  2. a rapid fall in numbers or value
    The company's stock took a plunge after the disappointing earnings report.
  3. the action of getting involved quickly and deeply in a new activity or situation
    She took a plunge into learning French, signing up for classes and buying textbooks.
  4. the act of jumping or diving into water
    He took a deep breath and made a plunge into the river.