H (EN)
letter, noun, adjective, symbol

This word can also be a form of:
h (letter, symbol)

letter “H”

  1. the uppercase form of the letter "h"
    Henry wrote his name with a capital H at the beginning.

noun “H”

sg. H, pl. Hs or uncountable
  1. used in journalism to mean a period of six months
    The company announced its new product will be launched in H2 of this year.
  2. in baseball, it stands for the number of times a player successfully hits the ball
    In yesterday's game, the player's stats showed 3 Hs, marking his best performance this season.
  3. a type of pencil known for its hard lead
    For detailed sketches, I always use an H pencil because it gives me fine lines without smudging.
  4. slang term for the drug heroin
    He warned me to stay away from H, saying it was a one-way ticket to ruin.

adjective “H”

H, non-gradable
  1. in linguistics, it refers to a dialect that is considered prestigious or of high social status
    In her country, speaking an H dialect was a clear sign of education and wealth.

symbol “H”

  1. the symbol for hydrogen (the chemical element with the atomic number 1)
    Water is H₂O.
  2. henry (a unit of measure for electrical inductance)
    The inductor in the circuit has a value of 10 H, indicating it has a high level of inductance.
  3. Hamiltonian (a function in physics related to energy and dynamics)
    In quantum mechanics, H represents the total energy of the system.
  4. the one-letter code for the amino acid histidine
    In the protein sequence, "H" stands for histidine.
  5. homology group or cohomology group
    In our study, we found that the homology group H₁ of the torus has rank 2, indicating two independent cycles.
  6. indicates a specific size for the cup of a bra
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size for years, but after getting properly measured, she found out she was actually an H cup.