H (EN)

h (字母,符号)

字母 “H”

  1. 字母"h"的大写形式
    Henry wrote his name with a capital H at the beginning.

名词 “H”

sg. H, pl. Hs or uncountable
  1. 半年
    The company announced its new product will be launched in H2 of this year.
  2. 安打数
    In yesterday's game, the player's stats showed 3 Hs, marking his best performance this season.
  3. 一种以其硬芯著称的铅笔。
    For detailed sketches, I always use an H pencil because it gives me fine lines without smudging.
  4. 海洛因
    He warned me to stay away from H, saying it was a one-way ticket to ruin.

形容词 “H”

H, non-gradable
  1. 在语言学中,它指的是被认为有声望或社会地位高的方言。
    In her country, speaking an H dialect was a clear sign of education and wealth.

符号 “H”

  1. 氢的符号(具有原子序数1的化学元素)
    Water is H₂O.
  2. 亨利(电感的测量单位)
    The inductor in the circuit has a value of 10 H, indicating it has a high level of inductance.
  3. 哈密顿量(物理学中与能量和动力学相关的函数)
    In quantum mechanics, H represents the total energy of the system.
  4. 氨基酸组氨酸的单字母代码是H。
    In the protein sequence, "H" stands for histidine.
  5. 同调群或上同调群
    In our study, we found that the homology group H₁ of the torus has rank 2, indicating two independent cycles.
  6. 表示胸罩的罩杯有一个具体的尺码。
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size for years, but after getting properly measured, she found out she was actually an H cup.