H (EN)
harf, ot, sifat, ramz

Bu soʻz quyidagilarning shakli ham boʻlishi mumkin:
h (harf, ramz)

harf “H”

  1. "h" harfining katta harf shakli
    Henry wrote his name with a capital H at the beginning.

ot “H”

sg. H, pl. Hs or uncountable
  1. olti oy
    The company announced its new product will be launched in H2 of this year.
  2. zarba
    In yesterday's game, the player's stats showed 3 Hs, marking his best performance this season.
  3. qattiq uchiga ega bo'lgan qalam turi
    For detailed sketches, I always use an H pencil because it gives me fine lines without smudging.
  4. geroin
    He warned me to stay away from H, saying it was a one-way ticket to ruin.

sifat “H”

H, non-gradable
  1. lingvistikada bu, nufuzli yoki yuqori ijtimoiy maqomga ega deb hisoblangan shevaga ishora qiladi.
    In her country, speaking an H dialect was a clear sign of education and wealth.

ramz “H”

  1. vodorodning (atom raqami 1 bo'lgan kimyoviy element) ramzi
    Water is H₂O.
  2. henry (elektr induktivligini oʻlchash birligi)
    The inductor in the circuit has a value of 10 H, indicating it has a high level of inductance.
  3. Hamiltonian (fizikada energiya va dinamikaga bogʻliq funksiya)
    In quantum mechanics, H represents the total energy of the system.
  4. aminokislota gistidin uchun bir harfli kod
    In the protein sequence, "H" stands for histidine.
  5. gomiologiya guruhi yoki kogomiologiya guruhi
    In our study, we found that the homology group H₁ of the torus has rank 2, indicating two independent cycles.
  6. ko'krak qafasining aniq o'lchamini ko'rsatadi
    She realized she had been wearing the wrong bra size for years, but after getting properly measured, she found out she was actually an H cup.