back (EN)
Adverb, Adjektiv, Substantiv, Verb

Adverb “back”

  1. zurück
    After the party, we all went back to my house to relax.
  2. rückwärts
    When I called his name, he turned back to look at me.
  3. zurückliegend
    She looked back fondly on her childhood memories.
  4. abseits
    Stay back from the edge of the cliff to avoid falling.
  5. hinten
    He sits all the way back in the sofa.
  6. rückläufig
    His self-doubt is holding him back from applying for the job.
  7. zurück (im Sinne von Erwiderung)
    When you smile at me, I always smile back.
  8. vor (im Sinne von Zeit, z.B. "vor zwei Wochen")
    I visited that quaint village a couple of summers back.
  9. verschoben
    The meeting was moved back an hour from 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock.

Adjektiv “back”

back, non-gradable
  1. hinter (im Sinne von Lage, z.B. "hinterer Teil")
    She sat in the back seat of the car during the road trip.
  2. veraltet
    She was reading a back issue of the newspaper to catch up on old news.
  3. abseits des Hauptbereichs gelegen
    We took a back road to the cottage.
  4. ausstehend (im Sinne von unbezahlten Schulden)
    He apologized for the back payments on his car loan, promising to settle the debt by next month.

Substantiv “back”

sg. back, pl. backs or uncountable
  1. Rücken
    After sitting for hours, she stretched and rubbed her aching back.
  2. Rückenteil
    She embroidered a beautiful pattern on the back of his jacket.
  3. Rückenlehne
    The cat curled up against the chair's back.
  4. Rückseite (im Sinne von Lage)
    She stored her old photo albums at the very back of the closet, behind the boxes of shoes.
  5. Rückseite (im Sinne von Gegenseite)
    When you hang the picture frame, make sure the hook is on the back.
  6. Klingenrücken
    Use the back of the knife to gently squeeze the dough.
  7. Rückseite (im Sinne von Kehrseite)
    She wrote her phone number on the back of the business card.
  8. Abwehrspieler (im Mannschaftssport)
    During the rugby match, the coach yelled for the backs to get ready for a defensive play.
  9. Behälter (im industriellen Kontext)
    After boiling the wort, the brewer transferred it to a large back to cool before fermentation.
  10. Fähre (im Sinne von Transportmittel)
    We crossed the river on the back, which made regular trips between the two banks.

Verb “back”

back; he backs; past backed, part. backed; ger. backing
  1. rückwärts bewegen
    When she realized she had forgotten her phone, she quickly backed out of the driveway to go get it.
  2. unterstützen
    My entire family backed my decision to study abroad.
  3. indossieren (im Sinne von auf der Rückseite unterschreiben)
    Before mailing the contract, the manager backed it with his signature and company stamp.