
hybrid (EN)
adjectiu, nom

adjectiu “hybrid”

forma base hybrid, no gradable
  1. híbrid (fet combinant dos elements o tipus diferents)
    The company introduced a hybrid model that blends traditional and modern design.
  2. híbrid (d'un cotxe, que utilitza tant electricitat com combustible)
    He drives a hybrid vehicle to reduce his carbon footprint.

nom “hybrid”

singular hybrid, plural hybrids
  1. híbrid
    The mule is a hybrid, resulting from breeding a male donkey and a female horse.
  2. una cosa que es fa combinant dues coses diferents
    The new app is a hybrid of social media and gaming, attracting many young users.
  3. híbrid (un cotxe que utilitza tant electricitat com combustible)
    She decided to buy a hybrid to save on gas costs and reduce emissions.
  4. (en lingüística) una paraula formada per parts de diferents llengües
    “Automobile” is a hybrid combining Greek and Latin roots.
  5. una bicicleta dissenyada tant per a ciclisme de carretera com de muntanya
    He bought a hybrid to use for his city commute and weekend trail rides.
  6. un pal de golf que combina característiques de ferros i fustes
    She prefers using a hybrid to get the ball out of tough lies on the course.