shock (EN)
imenica, glagol, pridjev

imenica “shock”

sg. shock, pl. shocks or uncountable
  1. šok
    She was in shock after hearing about the sudden accident.
  2. iznenađenje
    The news of her sudden resignation came as a shock to everyone in the office.
  3. strujni udar
    When he accidentally touched the exposed wire, he felt a sharp shock that made him jump back.
  4. šok (medicinski)
    The doctor quickly treated the patient for shock after noticing his dangerously low blood pressure.
  5. udarni val
    The explosion sent a powerful shock through the air, shaking the buildings nearby.
  6. griva
    The little boy had a shock of curly brown hair that bounced when he ran.

glagol “shock”

shock; he shocks; past shocked, part. shocked; ger. shocking
  1. šokirati
    The news of the sudden accident shocked everyone in the office.
  2. sablazniti
    The comedian's rude jokes shocked the audience.
  3. elektrošokirati
    The faulty wire shocked him when he touched it.
  4. udariti
    The glass shattered when it was shocked by the sudden explosion.

pridjev “shock”

shock, non-gradable
  1. šokantan
    The shock news of the sudden earthquake left everyone in disbelief.