N (EN)

n (字母,形容词,连词,感叹词,符号)

字母 “N”

  1. 字母“n”的大写形式
    Nancy wrote her name with a capital N at the beginning.

感叹词 “N”

  1. 在选择中,“N”表示“否”。
    Do you want to go to the park today? N.

符号 “N”

  1. 北方的象征
    The compass was pointing towards the N symbol.
  2. 象棋中的马的符号
    In the chess game, N to C3 put my opponent's queen in danger.
  3. 化学中氮的符号
    The formula for ammonia is NH3.
  4. 牛顿(力的国际单位)的符号是N。
    The apple fell from the tree with a force of about 1 N.
  5. 在生物化学中,一种表示氨基酸天冬酰胺的简写方式
    In the protein sequence, "N" stands for asparagine.
  6. 物理学中的电子数目
    In the experiment, the scientists calculated that N = 6 for this particular atom.
  7. 那不勒斯和弦在音乐中
    In the key of C major, the sequence I - N - V is equivalent to C - Db - G.