N (EN)
harply, ara söz, nyşan

Bu söz hem şu görnüşleriň biri bolup biler:
n (harply, sypat söz, baglaç, ara söz, nyşan)

harply “N”

  1. "n" harpiniň uly harp görnüşi
    Nancy wrote her name with a capital N at the beginning.

ara söz “N”

  1. saýlamalarda "ýok" diýmegi aňladýar
    Do you want to go to the park today? N.

nyşan “N”

  1. demirgazyk üçin nyşan
    The compass was pointing towards the N symbol.
  2. şaşka oýnunda atyň nyşany
    In the chess game, N to C3 put my opponent's queen in danger.
  3. himiýada azot üçin simwol
    The formula for ammonia is NH3.
  4. güýç üçin SI ulgamyndaky birlik, newtonyň nyşany
    The apple fell from the tree with a force of about 1 N.
  5. biohimiýada, asparagin aminokislotasynyň gysgaça ady
    In the protein sequence, "N" stands for asparagine.
  6. fizikada elektron sanы
    In the experiment, the scientists calculated that N = 6 for this particular atom.
  7. Muzikada Neapolitan akkordy
    In the key of C major, the sequence I - N - V is equivalent to C - Db - G.