N (EN)
letter, interjection, symbol

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n (letter, adjective, conjunction, interjection, symbol)

letter “N”

  1. the uppercase form of the letter "n"
    Nancy wrote her name with a capital N at the beginning.

interjection “N”

  1. indicates "no" in choices
    Do you want to go to the park today? N.

symbol “N”

  1. a symbol for North
    The compass was pointing towards the N symbol.
  2. symbol for a knight in chess
    In the chess game, N to C3 put my opponent's queen in danger.
  3. symbol for nitrogen in chemistry
    The formula for ammonia is NH3.
  4. symbol for newton, the SI unit of force
    The apple fell from the tree with a force of about 1 N.
  5. in biochemistry, a shorthand for the amino acid asparagine
    In the protein sequence, "N" stands for asparagine.
  6. the electron number in physics
    In the experiment, the scientists calculated that N = 6 for this particular atom.
  7. Neapolitan chord in music
    In the key of C major, the sequence I - N - V is equivalent to C - Db - G.