N (EN)
burts, izsauciens, simbols

Šis vārds var būt arī forma no:
n (burts, īpašības vārds, saiklis, izsauciens, simbols)

burts “N”

  1. burta "n" lielais burts
    Nancy wrote her name with a capital N at the beginning.

izsauciens “N”

  1. norāda uz "nē" izvēlēs
    Do you want to go to the park today? N.

simbols “N”

  1. simbols ziemeļiem
    The compass was pointing towards the N symbol.
  2. simbols šaha zirgam
    In the chess game, N to C3 put my opponent's queen in danger.
  3. simbols slāpeklim ķīmijā
    The formula for ammonia is NH3.
  4. simbols Ņūtonam, SI mērvienība spēkam
    The apple fell from the tree with a force of about 1 N.
  5. bioķīmijā, saīsinājums aminoskābei asparagīnam
    In the protein sequence, "N" stands for asparagine.
  6. elektronu skaits fizikā
    In the experiment, the scientists calculated that N = 6 for this particular atom.
  7. neapoliešu akords mūzikā
    In the key of C major, the sequence I - N - V is equivalent to C - Db - G.