
world (EN)

ot “world”

yakka world, koʻplik worlds yoki sanalmaydigan
  1. hayot tajribasi va insoniyatning umumiy mavjudligi
    After the accident, her entire world turned upside down.
  2. kosmosdagi barcha mavjudotlar, yulduzlar, sayyoralar va galaktikalar
    Scientists continue to discover fascinating facts about the world beyond our atmosphere.
  3. sayyoramiz, ayniqsa jamiyatlararo va global o'zaro ta'sirlar nuqtai nazaridan
    The internet has connected people from every corner of the world.
  4. keng hudud (yoki figurativ ma'noda)
    Explorers once believed they could find a new world full of riches and unclaimed territories.
  5. hayot uchun qulay sharoitlarga ega bo'lgan har qanday osmon jismi (Yer bilan cheklanmagan)
    Scientists are searching for worlds that could support life within our solar system.
  6. hikoyalarda yaratilgan tasavvur olami, o'z jamiyatlari va personajlari bilan
    The world of Middle-earth is rich with languages, cultures, and histories.
  7. ma'lum bir faoliyat yoki odamlar guruhiga oid muhit yoki vaziyat
    The corporate world is vastly different from the non-profit sector.
  8. umumiy sozlash yoki mavzu bo'yicha bir qator darajalardan iborat video o'yin
    I finally completed world three in the game, and now I'm moving on to the desert levels.
  9. biror narsaning katta miqdori yoki darajasi
    A little bit of kindness can make a world of difference in someone's life.