no (EN)
zarracha, aniqlik bildiruvchi, ravish, ot

zarracha “no”

  1. yo'q
    Can I borrow your phone? No, I'm using it right now.
  2. yo'q (tasdiqlash uchun ishlatiladi)
    Haven't we met before?" "No, I don't think so.

aniqlik bildiruvchi “no”

  1. hech qanday
    There were no survivors in the accident.
  2. deyarli yo'q
    He is very skilled, so he can do it in no time.
  3. taqiqlangan (masalan, "Chekish taqiqlangan")
    No smoking on the train, please!
  4. haqiqiy emas (nomdan keyin keladi)
    That car is no luxury vehicle, but it gets the job done.

ravish “no”

  1. umuman (keyingi sifat bilan birga keladi)
    This puzzle is no easier than the last one we did.

ot “no”

sg. no, pl. nos or uncountable
  1. rad etish
    When asked if he had taken the money, his no was firm and unwavering.