make (EN)
feʼl, ot

feʼl “make”

make; he makes; past made, part. made; ger. making
  1. yaratmoq
    She made a beautiful painting for the art class.
  2. qurmoq (yoki ishlab chiqarmoq)
    The children made a fort out of blankets and pillows.
  3. yozmoq (yoki tuzmoq)
    He made a speech to commemorate the event.
  4. sabab bo'lmoq
    Their decision to lower prices made a huge impact on sales.
  5. tayyorlamoq (ovqat pishirish kontekstida)
    Can you make some tea for our guests?
  6. shakllantirmoq (yoki bo'lmoq)
    Their shared love of music makes them an ideal pair.
  7. miqdori bo'yicha teng kelmoq
    Five and three make eight.
  8. tushunmoq (yoki talqin qilmoq)
    What do you make of his strange behavior last night?
  9. muvaffaqiyatga olib kelmoq
    Her first novel is what made her.
  10. holatga keltirmoq
    The news made everyone anxious.
  11. majburlamoq (biror ishni bajarishga)
    The movie's ending made me think.
  12. majburlamoq (kuch bilan biror ishni qildirmoq)
    The drill sergeant made the recruits do push-ups.
  13. qilmoq (Bu fe'l biror kishini yoki narsani ma'lum bir sifatda ko'rsatish uchun ishlatiladi.)
    His dedication makes him an excellent team leader.
  14. to'shakni tartiblamoq
    I made the bed as soon as I got up.
  15. chiqarmoq (ovoz)
    The cat made a loud meow when it got hungry.
  16. masofani bosib o'tmoq
    Despite the heavy snow, we made it to the cabin by nightfall.
  17. ma'lum bir tezlikda harakatlanmoq
    The new sports car can make 150 mph easily.
  18. rasmiy lavozim yoki unvon berish
    The president made her his special advisor.
  19. pul, ochko, a'zolik yoki maqom orttirmoq
    He made $500 by selling his old laptop.
  20. biror narsani sotib olishga yetarli pulga ega bo'lmoq
    I can't make the rent this month without some help.
  21. bo'lib chiqmoq (yoki aylanmoq)
    With her determination, she will make a great lawyer.
  22. o'ylab topmoq (yoki rejalashtirmoq)
    There's a party coming so please don't make any plans.
  23. biror ishni muvaffaqiyatli bajarish
    She made a daring dive into the pool from the high board.

ot “make”

sg. make, pl. makes or uncountable
  1. brend (yoki model)
    My make is a Toyota.
  2. qurilish (yoki dizayn)
    The make of this table is quite sturdy and traditional.
  3. kelib chiqishi (yoki ishlab chiqarish tafsilotlari)
    The make of this watch is Swiss, known for its precision.
  4. tabiat (yoki shaxsiyat)
    His cheerful make always brightens up the room.
  5. ishlab chiqarish hajmi
    The factory's make of textiles has doubled since last year.
  6. kartada trumpni tanlash harakati yoki kartalarni aralashtirish
    With a good make, we could win this game of bridge.