sögn “make”
nafnháttur make; hann makes; þátíð made; lh. þt. made; nhm. making
- búa til
Skráðu þig til að sjá þýðingar á dæmasetningum og einmála skilgreiningar á hverju orði.
She made a beautiful painting for the art class.
- smíða
The children made a fort out of blankets and pillows.
- semja
He made a speech to commemorate the event.
- valda
Their decision to lower prices made a huge impact on sales.
- elda
Can you make some tea for our guests?
- mynda
Their shared love of music makes them an ideal pair.
- nema (í samanlögðu magni)
Five and three make eight.
- skilja
What do you make of his strange behavior last night?
- leiða til árangurs
Her first novel is what made her.
- setja í ákveðið ástand
The news made everyone anxious.
- þvinga
The movie's ending made me think.
- neyða
The drill sergeant made the recruits do push-ups.
- gera - Notað til að gefa til kynna eiginleika einhvers.
His dedication makes him an excellent team leader.
- búa um (rúm)
I made the bed as soon as I got up.
- að gefa frá sér (hljóð)
The cat made a loud meow when it got hungry.
- ferðast (ákveðna vegalengd)
Despite the heavy snow, we made it to the cabin by nightfall.
- ferðast á (ákveðinni hraða)
The new sports car can make 150 mph easily.
- skipa í embætti
The president made her his special advisor.
- afla
He made $500 by selling his old laptop.
- hafa efni á
I can't make the rent this month without some help.
- verða
With her determination, she will make a great lawyer.
- hugsa út
There's a party coming so please don't make any plans.
- klára
She made a daring dive into the pool from the high board.
Nafnorð “make”
eintala make, fleirtala makes eða óteljanlegt
- tegund
- hönnun
The make of this table is quite sturdy and traditional.
- uppruni
The make of this watch is Swiss, known for its precision.
- eðli
His cheerful make always brightens up the room.
- framleiðslumagn
The factory's make of textiles has doubled since last year.
- stokkur (í spilum)
With a good make, we could win this game of bridge.