grind (EN)
feʼl, ot

feʼl “grind”

grind; he grinds; past ground, part. ground; ger. grinding
  1. maydalamoq
    She used a mortar and pestle to grind the spices into a fine powder.
  2. silliqlamoq
    The machinist carefully ground the rough edges off the metal plate.
  3. g'ijirlatmoq
    The old car's gears ground loudly as it struggled up the steep hill.
  4. skateboard yoki snoubordning pastki qismini rels yoki chekka bo'ylab sirg'alish
    Jake loves to grind on the edge of the skatepark's concrete ledge.
  5. yaqin raqsga tushmoq (jinsiy ko'rinishda)
    At the club, they started to grind to the beat of the music.
  6. o'yinda maqsadga erishish uchun bir xil harakatni ko'p marta bajarish
    I had to grind for hours to level up my character in the game.

ot “grind”

sg. grind, pl. grinds or uncountable
  1. maydalash jarayoni
    She gave the mixture a grind to get a fine powder.
  2. zerikarli ish
    Studying for exams can be such a grind.
  3. qahva maydalash
    I need a fine grind for my French press coffee.
  4. skateboarding yoki snowboardingda taxtaning rels yoki chetida sirpanishi harakati
    Jake nailed a perfect grind on the rail at the skate park.