
term (EN)
substantiv, verb

substantiv “term”

singular term, plural terms
  1. term
    The term “algorithm” is commonly used in computer science.
  2. period
    He served a five-year term as governor.
  3. termin
    The spring term starts in January.
  4. (inom matematiken) ett tal eller uttryck i en matematisk ekvation eller serie
    In the expression 2x + 3, both '2x' and '3' are terms.
  5. den normala graviditetsperioden när förlossning vanligtvis sker
    She carried the baby to term.
  6. den tid under vilken domstolar är i session
    The trial will commence in the next term.
  7. (inom databehandling) ett program som emulerar en terminal
    By using a term, you can access the server remotely.

verb “term”

infinitiv term; han terms; preteritum termed; supinum termed; gerundium terming
  1. kalla
    Scientists term this process “photosynthesis”.
  2. avskeda (informellt)
    The company decided to term several employees due to budget cuts.