
term (EN)
kata benda, kata kerja

kata benda “term”

tunggal term, jamak terms
  1. istilah
    The term “algorithm” is commonly used in computer science.
  2. jangka waktu
    He served a five-year term as governor.
  3. semester
    The spring term starts in January.
  4. (dalam matematika) sebuah angka atau ekspresi dalam persamaan atau deret matematika
    In the expression 2x + 3, both '2x' and '3' are terms.
  5. masa kehamilan normal ketika kelahiran biasanya terjadi
    She carried the baby to term.
  6. masa ketika pengadilan hukum sedang bersidang
    The trial will commence in the next term.
  7. (dalam komputasi) program yang meniru terminal
    By using a term, you can access the server remotely.

kata kerja “term”

infinitif term; dia terms; lampau termed; part. lampau termed; ger. terming
  1. menyebut
    Scientists term this process “photosynthesis”.
  2. memecat (dalam konteks pekerjaan)
    The company decided to term several employees due to budget cuts.