past (EN)
prídavné meno, podstatné meno, predložka, príslovka

prídavné meno “past”

past, non-gradable
  1. minulý
    She often reminisced about her past adventures with a sense of nostalgia.
  2. predchádzajúci
    She reminisced about her past adventures with a smile.
  3. vyjadrujúci minulosť
    The word "shown" is the past participle of "show."
  4. pred (ako v "pred desiatimi rokmi")
    Three years past, she moved to a new city to start her career.

podstatné meno “past”

sg. past, pl. pasts or uncountable
  1. minulosť
    She often reminisced about her childhood, longing to revisit the joys of the past.
  2. minulý čas
    Can you conjugate the verb "go" in the past?

predložka “past”

  1. za (ako v "za rohom")
    The store is just past the gas station on the right.
  2. po (ako v "o desiatej po")
    We need to hurry; it's already ten past five.
  3. nad (ako v "nad niečím byť")
    She's past trying to impress her critics.
  4. cez (ako v "prejsť cez ťažké obdobie")
    She's finally past the grief of losing her pet and can now talk about him with a smile.
  5. okolo (ako v "ísť okolo")
    The dog ran past the gate without even pausing.

príslovka “past”

  1. okolo (ako v "prejsť okolo")
    The cat ran past towards the kitchen.