beneficiary (EN)
podstatné meno, prídavné meno

podstatné meno “beneficiary”

sg. beneficiary, pl. beneficiaries
  1. príjemca (osoba, ktorá získava alebo dostáva výhodu z niečoho)
    As the primary beneficiary of the scholarship, Maria could now afford to attend her dream university.
  2. dedič (v práve, osoba, ktorá dostáva výhody z dôvery alebo majetku po niekomovej smrti)
    Upon her grandmother's passing, Emily became the primary beneficiary of her estate, inheriting the family home and savings.
  3. poistník (osoba, ktorá dostáva peniaze z poistnej zmluvy)
    After the tragic accident, the widow was the primary beneficiary of her husband's life insurance policy.

prídavné meno “beneficiary”

beneficiary, non-gradable
  1. závislý (súvisiaci s pozíciou alebo vlastníctvom, ktoré závisí od autority niekoho iného)
    The beneficiary lord managed the lands on behalf of the king, to whom he owed allegiance and service.