beneficiary (EN)
명사, 형용사

명사 “beneficiary”

sg. beneficiary, pl. beneficiaries
  1. 혜택을 받는 사람
    As the primary beneficiary of the scholarship, Maria could now afford to attend her dream university.
  2. 수익자 (신뢰 재산이나 유산에서 이익을 받는 사람)
    Upon her grandmother's passing, Emily became the primary beneficiary of her estate, inheriting the family home and savings.
  3. 보험금 수령인
    After the tragic accident, the widow was the primary beneficiary of her husband's life insurance policy.

형용사 “beneficiary”

beneficiary, non-gradable
  1. 종속적인 (다른 사람의 권한에 의존하는 위치나 소유와 관련된)
    The beneficiary lord managed the lands on behalf of the king, to whom he owed allegiance and service.