bad (EN)
adjetivo, advérbio

adjetivo “bad”

bad, worse, worst
  1. ruim
    The competitor's language-learning app is really bad.
  2. inadequado
    Wearing pajamas to a job interview is in bad taste.
  3. nocivo
    Eating too much sugar is bad for your health.
  4. indisposto
    After eating that expired yogurt, she looked really bad and had to lie down.
  5. malcomportado
    Tommy was being bad by drawing on the walls instead of his coloring book.
  6. estressante
    Getting lost in a foreign city can be a really bad situation, especially without a phone.
  7. mau (com conotação moral)
    The villain in the story was very bad, stealing from everyone in the village.
  8. defeituoso
    The fridge is making a strange noise; I think the motor is bad.
  9. estragado (para alimentos)
    The milk smelled sour, so I checked the date and realized it had gone bad.
  10. fedorento
    After eating garlic, he was self-conscious about his bad breath during the meeting.
  11. incompetente (em alguma atividade)
    Despite practicing for weeks, she was still bad at playing the violin.
  12. intenso (em um contexto negativo)
    We are in a bad need of new financing.

advérbio “bad”

  1. muito (em um contexto informal)
    I want it so bad.