сын атооч “bad”
bad, салыштырма worse, эң worst
- сапатсыз
Катталыңыз, мисал сүйлөмдөрдүн котормолорун жана ар бир сөздүн бир тилдеги аныктамаларын көрүү үчүн.
The competitor's language-learning app is really bad.
- ылайыксыз
Wearing pajamas to a job interview is in bad taste.
- зыяндуу
Eating too much sugar is bad for your health.
- өзүн жаман сезүү (саламаттыгы начар)
After eating that expired yogurt, she looked really bad and had to lie down.
- мыйзам бузуучу
Tommy was being bad by drawing on the walls instead of his coloring book.
- стресстүү
Getting lost in a foreign city can be a really bad situation, especially without a phone.
- адепсиз
The villain in the story was very bad, stealing from everyone in the village.
- иштебей жаткан (бузулган)
The fridge is making a strange noise; I think the motor is bad.
- чириген
The milk smelled sour, so I checked the date and realized it had gone bad.
- жагымсыз жыттуу
After eating garlic, he was self-conscious about his bad breath during the meeting.
- чеберчилиги жок (бир нерседе)
Despite practicing for weeks, she was still bad at playing the violin.
- катуу
We are in a bad need of new financing.
наречие “bad”
- абдан (күчтүү деңгээлде)