bad (EN)

形容詞 “bad”

bad, worse, worst
  1. 悪い(質が低いことを指す)
    The competitor's language-learning app is really bad.
  2. 不適切(場面や文脈にそぐわないことを指す)
    Wearing pajamas to a job interview is in bad taste.
  3. 有害(健康に悪いことを指す)
    Eating too much sugar is bad for your health.
  4. 気分が悪い
    After eating that expired yogurt, she looked really bad and had to lie down.
  5. 行儀が悪い(振る舞いが適切でないことを指す)
    Tommy was being bad by drawing on the walls instead of his coloring book.
  6. ストレスが多い(心理的に不快なことを指す)
    Getting lost in a foreign city can be a really bad situation, especially without a phone.
  7. 悪徳(道徳的に間違っていることを指す)
    The villain in the story was very bad, stealing from everyone in the village.
  8. 故障している(機能していないことを指す)
    The fridge is making a strange noise; I think the motor is bad.
  9. 腐った(食べ物が食べられない状態を指す)
    The milk smelled sour, so I checked the date and realized it had gone bad.
  10. 臭い(不快なにおいがすることを指す)
    After eating garlic, he was self-conscious about his bad breath during the meeting.
  11. 下手(技能や熟練度が低いことを指す)
    Despite practicing for weeks, she was still bad at playing the violin.
  12. ひどい(程度が強いことを指す)
    We are in a bad need of new financing.

副詞 “bad”

  1. めちゃくちゃ(非常に、強調していることを指す)
    I want it so bad.