do (EN)
ကူညီကြိယာ၊ ကြိယာ၊ နာမ်၊ နာမ်

ကူညီကြိယာ “do”

do, neg. don't, he does, neg. doesn't, past did, neg. didn't
  1. forms a question
    Do you like ice cream?
  2. puts the following verb into the negative
    I do not want to leave early.
  3. used to give emphasis to a statement
    I really do appreciate your help.
  4. replaces a verb mentioned earlier to avoid repetition
    She likes to swim, and I do too.

ကြိယာ “do”

do; he does; past did, part. done; ger. doing
  1. to carry out an action
    If you want something done, do it yourself.
  2. to be in a place for a specific reason
    What are you doing here so late?
  3. to be sufficient or adequate
    This old chair will do for now.
  4. to cause a particular result or effect
    A good night's sleep did me a lot of good.
  5. to fare or perform
    How's your new job doing?
  6. to have a particular job
    What do you do for a living?
  7. to serve a sentence in prison
    He did two years for burglary.
  8. to mimic, portray or impersonate
    He does a really great George Bush.
  9. to engage in sexual activity
    They went upstairs to do it.
  10. to produce or offer a service or product
    This bakery doesn't do wedding cakes.
  11. to consume drugs
    He got caught doing drugs.

နာမ် “do”

sg. do, pl. dos, doos or uncountable
  1. a social event or gathering
    Are you going to their do this weekend?

နာမ် “do”

do, singular only
  1. the musical note that starts and ends the scale in solfège
    In the song, the melody starts with 'do'.