do (EN)
보조 동사, 동사, 명사, 명사

보조 동사 “do”

do, neg. don't, he does, neg. doesn't, past did, neg. didn't
  1. 질문을 형성한다
    Do you like ice cream?
  2. 다음 동사를 부정형으로 만든다
    I do not want to leave early.
  3. 정말 하다 (강조를 나타내는 경우)
    I really do appreciate your help.
  4. 그렇게 하다 (앞서 언급된 동사를 대체하는 경우)
    She likes to swim, and I do too.

동사 “do”

do; he does; past did, part. done; ger. doing
  1. 하다
    If you want something done, do it yourself.
  2. 있다 (특정한 목적으로 어떤 장소에 존재하다)
    What are you doing here so late?
  3. 충분하다
    This old chair will do for now.
  4. 일으키다
    A good night's sleep did me a lot of good.
  5. 잘하다 또는 못하다
    How's your new job doing?
  6. 직업을 가지다
    What do you do for a living?
  7. 복역하다
    He did two years for burglary.
  8. 흉내내다
    He does a really great George Bush.
  9. 성관계를 하다
    They went upstairs to do it.
  10. 제공하다
    This bakery doesn't do wedding cakes.
  11. 마약을 하다
    He got caught doing drugs.

명사 “do”

sg. do, pl. dos, doos or uncountable
  1. 모임
    Are you going to their do this weekend?

명사 “do”

do, singular only
  1. In the song, the melody starts with 'do'.