do (EN)
yordamchi fe’l, feʼl, ot, ot

yordamchi fe’l “do”

do, neg. don't, he does, neg. doesn't, past did, neg. didn't
  1. "savol hosil qiladi"
    Do you like ice cream?
  2. quyidagi felni inkor shakliga o'tkazadi
    I do not want to leave early.
  3. qilgandir (ta'kidlash uchun ishlatiladi)
    I really do appreciate your help.
  4. qilmoq (avval aytib oʻtilgan feʼlni takrorlamaslik uchun ishlatiladi)
    She likes to swim, and I do too.

feʼl “do”

do; he does; past did, part. done; ger. doing
  1. qilmoq
    If you want something done, do it yourself.
  2. bo'lish (ma'lum bir sababga ko'ra joyda bo'lish)
    What are you doing here so late?
  3. yetarli bo'lish
    This old chair will do for now.
  4. natija yoki ta'sir qilish
    A good night's sleep did me a lot of good.
  5. yaxshi ish qilmoq yoki yomon ish qilmoq
    How's your new job doing?
  6. ma'lum bir ishni qilish
    What do you do for a living?
  7. qamoqda jazo o'tash
    He did two years for burglary.
  8. taqlid qilish yoki gavdalantirish
    He does a really great George Bush.
  9. jinsiy aloqa qilish
    They went upstairs to do it.
  10. xizmat yoki mahsulot ishlab chiqarish yoki taklif qilish
    This bakery doesn't do wedding cakes.
  11. giyohvand moddalar iste'mol qilish
    He got caught doing drugs.

ot “do”

sg. do, pl. dos, doos or uncountable
  1. ijtimoiy tadbir
    Are you going to their do this weekend?

ot “do”

do, singular only
  1. do
    In the song, the melody starts with 'do'.