eɪdʒ US UK

age (EN)
именка, глагол

именка “age”

еднина age, множина ages или неконт.
  1. возраст
    She celebrated her eighteenth birthday last week, officially reaching the age when she can vote.
  2. фаза во животот
    She started learning to play the piano in her middle age, proving it's never too late to pursue a new hobby.
  3. возраст на полнолетство
    Now that she is of age, she is free to marry anyone she wants.
  4. поодминати години
    With age, he found joy in the simple pleasures of life, like watching the sunset.
  5. историски период
    The age of the dinosaurs ended millions of years ago.
  6. научна ера
    The Stone Age is known for the development of the earliest tools by humans.
  7. многу долг период
    I waited for ages to get a reply to my email.
  8. геолошка епоха
    Scientists have discovered fossils from the Jurassic age, shedding light on the dinosaurs that roamed the Earth millions of years ago.
  9. астролошка ера
    Many believe that the shift into the Age of Pisces marked significant changes in human spirituality and religion.

глагол “age”

инфинитив age; тој ages; мин. вр. aged; мин. прид. aged; гер. aging us, ageing uk
  1. старее
    As the car aged, its paint started to fade and peel.
  2. постарува
    Stress aged him more than the passing years ever could.
  3. сооди
    The wine ages in oak barrels, gaining complexity and depth.
  4. остава да сооди
    They aged the wine in oak barrels for several years to enhance its flavor.
  5. (за изјава или предвидување) да изгледа поактуелно или поирелевантно како што поминува времето
    Her comment about technology never replacing human workers has aged poorly, considering the rise of automation.
  6. одложува
    Given our current financial situation, we decided to age the payment of our rent until next month.
  7. подредува според доспеаност
    She aged the invoices to determine which ones were overdue by more than 30 days.