
board (EN)
lietvārds, darbības vārds

lietvārds “board”

sg. board, pl. boards or uncountable
  1. dēlis
    The carpenter cut the board to make a new shelf.
  2. tāfele
    The teacher wrote today's lesson on the board.
  3. valde
    The board decided to hire a new manager.
  4. spēles laukums
    They set up the board to play a game of chess.
  5. dēlis (sporta inventārs)
    She grabbed her board and headed to the slopes.
  6. plate
    The technician replaced the damaged board in the computer.
  7. panelis
    The sound engineer adjusted the levels on the mixing board.
  8. kartons
    The artist used a piece of board for her painting.
  9. uzturs
    The university offers room and board to students.
  10. borts
    The sailor leaned over the board to look at the water.
  11. apmale
    The player was checked hard into the boards during the game.
  12. līmenis
    He completed the most difficult board of the game.
  13. atlēciens
    He grabbed 15 boards during the game.
  14. kāršu turētājs
    The players passed the boards to the next table.

darbības vārds “board”

board; he boards; past boarded, part. boarded; ger. boarding
  1. iekāpt
    Passengers are now boarding the flight to New York.
  2. izmitināt
    They agreed to board the exchange student during the school year.
  3. dzīvot (pie kāda par maksu)
    He boarded with a local family while studying abroad.
  4. aiznaglot
    They boarded up the abandoned house.
  5. ieņemt (ienaidnieka kuģi)
    The sailors prepared to board the enemy vessel.
  6. ietriekt apmalē
    The player was penalized for boarding his opponent.