kata benda “board”
tunggal board, jamak boards atau tak terhitung
- papan
Daftar untuk melihat terjemahan contoh kalimat dan definisi monolingual dari setiap kata.
The carpenter cut the board to make a new shelf.
- papan tulis
The teacher wrote today's lesson on the board.
- dewan
The board decided to hire a new manager.
- papan permainan
They set up the board to play a game of chess.
- papan (untuk olahraga)
She grabbed her board and headed to the slopes.
- papan sirkuit
The technician replaced the damaged board in the computer.
- panel kontrol
The sound engineer adjusted the levels on the mixing board.
- karton
The artist used a piece of board for her painting.
- makan dan tempat tinggal
The university offers room and board to students.
- sisi kapal
The sailor leaned over the board to look at the water.
- dinding arena
The player was checked hard into the boards during the game.
- level
He completed the most difficult board of the game.
- rebound
He grabbed 15 boards during the game.
- kotak kartu
The players passed the boards to the next table.
kata kerja “board”
infinitif board; dia boards; lampau boarded; part. lampau boarded; ger. boarding
- naik
Passengers are now boarding the flight to New York.
- menyediakan makan dan tempat tinggal
They agreed to board the exchange student during the school year.
- tinggal dengan makan dan tempat tinggal
He boarded with a local family while studying abroad.
- menutup dengan papan kayu
They boarded up the abandoned house.
- menyerbu kapal
The sailors prepared to board the enemy vessel.
- mendorong ke dinding arena
The player was penalized for boarding his opponent.