Dëst Wuert kann och eng Form vu Folgendem sinn:
noun “rent”
Singular rent, Plural rents oder onzieleg
- Loyer
Mellen Iech un, fir d'Iwwersetzungen vun den Beispillsätz an d'monolingual Definitioune vun all Wuert ze gesinn.
She pays a monthly rent for her apartment in the city.
- Locatioun
We need to include the rent of the machinery in the project budget.
- Rente (an der Ekonomie, Gewënn aus dem Besëtz vun engem wäertvolle Recht oder knappe Ressource)
The company earns considerable rent from its patented technologies.
- Rëss
There is a rent in your shirt where the fabric is torn.
- Spalt
The disagreement caused a rent in their friendship.
verb “rent”
Infinitiv rent; hien rents; Verg. rented; Part. Verg. rented; Ger. renting
- lounen
They decided to rent a car for their vacation.
- verlounen
He rents his house to tenants.
- ze verlounen verfügbar sinn
The apartment rents for $1200 a month.