名詞 “rent”
単数形 rent、複数形 rents または不可算
- 家賃
She pays a monthly rent for her apartment in the city.
- レンタル料
We need to include the rent of the machinery in the project budget.
- 地代(金)(経済学において、貴重な権利や希少な資源の所有から得られる利益)
The company earns considerable rent from its patented technologies.
- 裂け目
There is a rent in your shirt where the fabric is torn.
- 分裂
The disagreement caused a rent in their friendship.
動詞 “rent”
不定詞 rent; 三単現 rents; 過去形 rented; 過去分詞 rented; 動名詞 renting
- 借りる
They decided to rent a car for their vacation.
- 貸す(賃貸する)
He rents his house to tenants.
- 賃貸可能である
The apartment rents for $1200 a month.