
or (EN)

接続詞 “or”

  1. または
    Would you like tea or coffee with your breakfast?
  2. さもなければ
    Wear a helmet when you ride your bike, or you might get seriously injured.
  3. すなわち(同じものを指す別名を結ぶ場合)
    The artist Prince, or the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, was known for his eclectic style.
  4. あるいは(説明や同義語を導入する場合)
    Ornitology, or the study of birds, is a subfield of biology.
  5. でないと(忠告を聞かない場合の否定的な結果を示唆する場合)
    Finish your homework now, or you won't be allowed to watch TV later.

形容詞 “or”

基本形 or、非段階的
  1. 金色(紋章学における色を表す場合)
    The knight's shield bore a lion rampant or, symbolizing his courage and nobility.