or (EN)
접속사, 형용사

접속사 “or”

  1. 또는
    Would you like tea or coffee with your breakfast?
  2. 아니면 (그렇지 않으면 발생할 결과를 나타낼 때)
    Wear a helmet when you ride your bike, or you might get seriously injured.
  3. 혹은 (동일한 것을 가리키는 두 이름을 연결할 때)
    The artist Prince, or the Artist Formerly Known as Prince, was known for his eclectic style.
  4. (명확하게 하거나 동의어를 소개할 때)
    Ornitology, or the study of birds, is a subfield of biology.
  5. 그렇지 않으면 (조언을 따르지 않을 경우 부정적 결과를 암시할 때)
    Finish your homework now, or you won't be allowed to watch TV later.

형용사 “or”

or, non-gradable
  1. 오르 (문장에서 금색 또는 노란색을 묘사할 때)
    The knight's shield bore a lion rampant or, symbolizing his courage and nobility.