
rent (EN)
Navneord, udsagnsord

Dette ord kan også være en form af:
rend (udsagnsord)

Navneord “rent”

ental rent, flertal rents eller utællelig
  1. husleje
    She pays a monthly rent for her apartment in the city.
  2. leje
    We need to include the rent of the machinery in the project budget.
  3. økonomisk rente (i økonomi, profit fra ejerskab af en værdifuld rettighed eller knap ressource)
    The company earns considerable rent from its patented technologies.
  4. flænge
    There is a rent in your shirt where the fabric is torn.
  5. splittelse
    The disagreement caused a rent in their friendship.

udsagnsord “rent”

infinitiv rent; han rents; datid rented; kort tillægsf. rented; gerundium renting
  1. leje (midlertidigt)
    They decided to rent a car for their vacation.
  2. udleje
    He rents his house to tenants.
  3. at være tilgængelig for leje
    The apartment rents for $1200 a month.