tell (EN)

동사 “tell”

tell; he tells; past told, part. told; ger. telling
  1. 이야기하다
    Every night, my grandmother would tell us tales of her childhood adventures.
  2. 말하다
    She told me she would be late because of traffic.
  3. 구별하다 (차이를 알아차리다는 의미로)
    I can tell by your smile that you're very happy today.
  4. 밝히다 (정보를 공개하다는 의미로)
    He wouldn't tell me his secret, but I'm sure it will come out eventually.
  5. 나타내다 (증거나 징후를 보이다는 의미로)
    The strain of carrying the heavy load was beginning to tell on his back.
  6. 고발하다 (누군가의 잘못을 상관에게 알리다는 의미로)
    If you don't stop teasing your sister, I'll tell Mom!