release (EN)
동사, 명사

동사 “release”

release; he releases; past released, part. released; ger. releasing
  1. 방출하다
    She released the balloon, and it floated up into the sky.
  2. 출시하다
    The band released their latest album on streaming platforms last Friday.
  3. 석방하다
    The judge ordered the prisoner to be released immediately.
  4. 흘러나오게 하다
    The factory released harmful gases into the air, causing pollution.
  5. 통화를 끊다
    After our conversation ended, I released the call and put my phone away.
  6. 분비하다
    When the adrenaline gland is stimulated, it releases adrenaline into the bloodstream.

명사 “release”

sg. release, pl. releases or uncountable
  1. 석방 (사람이나 물건을 감금이나 감옥에서 자유롭게 하는 행위)
    After years of rehabilitation, the wildlife center celebrated the release of the eagle back into the wild.
  2. 소프트웨어 출시 (새로운 또는 업데이트된 프로그램을 공개하는 행위)
    The company announced the release of their new app version, promising improved performance and new features.
  3. 신제품
    The bookstore had a special section for all the new releases this month.
  4. 셔터 버튼
    Pressing the release on her camera, she captured the perfect sunset.
  5. 포기각서 (법적 주장을 공식적으로 포기하는 행위)
    After months of negotiation, the creditor granted a release of the debt, allowing the small business to continue operating.
  6. 분비 과정 (생화학에서 화학 물질을 주변에 방출하는 과정)
    During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and water, resulting in the release of oxygen into the air.
  7. 종료음 (음성학 및 음향 합성에서 소리가 멈추는 방식)
    In the music class, the teacher explained how the release of a note on the piano affects the overall sound of the piece.
  8. 차단기 (전기 장치의 안전 기능으로 회로가 끊어졌을 때 모터를 멈추게 하는 장치)
    When the field circuit broke, the release on the rheostat immediately stopped the motor to prevent damage.
  9. 과부하 차단기 (전기 모터가 과부하 시 회로를 끊어 모터를 멈추게 하는 안전 장치)
    When the motor overheated, its release mechanism automatically shut it down to prevent damage.