feʼl “release”
infinitive release; u releases; oʻtgan zamon released; oʻtgan zamon part. released; ger. releasing
- qo'yib yuborish
Roʻyxatdan oʻting misol jumlalarining tarjimalarini va har bir soʻzning bir tilli taʼriflarini koʻrish uchun.
She released the balloon, and it floated up into the sky.
- ommaga taqdim etish
The band released their latest album on streaming platforms last Friday.
- ozod qilish
The judge ordered the prisoner to be released immediately.
- oqizib chiqarish
The factory released harmful gases into the air, causing pollution.
- qo'ng'iroqni tugatish
After our conversation ended, I released the call and put my phone away.
- (atrofga) kimyoviy modda chiqarish
When the adrenaline gland is stimulated, it releases adrenaline into the bloodstream.
ot “release”
yakka release, koʻplik releases yoki sanalmaydigan
- ozod etish
After years of rehabilitation, the wildlife center celebrated the release of the eagle back into the wild.
- dasturiy ta'minotning yangi yoki yangilangan versiyasini chiqarish
The company announced the release of their new app version, promising improved performance and new features.
- yangi mahsulot
The bookstore had a special section for all the new releases this month.
- (fotoapparatning) suratga olish tugmasi
Pressing the release on her camera, she captured the perfect sunset.
- huquqiy da'vodan voz kechish
After months of negotiation, the creditor granted a release of the debt, allowing the small business to continue operating.
- kimyoviy modda chiqarish jarayoni
During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and water, resulting in the release of oxygen into the air.
- tovushning tugashi
In the music class, the teacher explained how the release of a note on the piano affects the overall sound of the piece.
- elektr qurilmalarida xavfsizlik mexanizmi (motor ishlamay qolganda circuitni uzadi)
When the field circuit broke, the release on the rheostat immediately stopped the motor to prevent damage.
- elektr motorini yuklama ortishi paytida circuitni uzib qo'yadigan xavfsizlik qurilmasi
When the motor overheated, its release mechanism automatically shut it down to prevent damage.