
τ (EN)
aksara, lambang

aksara “τ”

τ, tau
  1. huruf kaping 19 ing aksara Yunani
    In the Greek word for "life," the letter τ is used to represent the "t" sound.

lambang “τ”

  1. (ing fisika) torsi, ukuran saka gaya sing nyebabake obyek muter.
    The engineer calculated the torque τ needed to turn the gear mechanism.
  2. (ing fisika) tegangan geser, gaya saben area sing nyebabake lapisan-lapisan nggeser siji lan sijine.
    The material's deformation was analyzed by applying the shear stress τ.
  3. (ing matematika) konstanta sing padha karo 6.283, nggambarke rasio keliling bunderan karo jari-jarine.
    By using τ instead of 2π, the formula for a circle's circumference becomes simpler.
  4. (ing fisika) jero optik, ukuran sepira petenge medium marang radiasi.
    Scientists measured the optical depth τ to understand the atmosphere's effect on starlight.
  5. (ing fisika) partikel tau, partikel dhasar sing padha karo elektron nanging luwih abot
    The researchers observed the decay of the tau lepton τ in their experiments.
  6. (lan fonetik) simbol sing nggambarke swara plosif dental ora bersuara
    In some phonetic scripts, τ denotes the dental 't' sound found in certain languages.
  7. (ing fonetik) simbol sing nggambaraké konsonan klik koronal swara
    Linguists use τ to represent specific click sounds in the study of African languages.